Age UK’s campaign Offline and Overlooked is important

Thursday, 2nd May


Help is needed to publicise the Offline and Overlooked campaign

• THANK you for publishing my letter (Technological changes raise issues we have never encountered before, February 29).

In it I mentioned the Age UK campaign Offline and Overlooked which seeks to lobby the government to make sure the elderly and vulnerable are not excluded from services such as health care, utilities, etc.

I am concerned the isolated and vulnerable communities who are needed to support this campaign are difficult to access.

I have made enquiries in local libraries and also the Age UK charity shops, but have not been able to find any information on the campaign.

Help is needed to publicise the Offline and Overlooked campaign.

I know you publish letters regularly from readers who are concerned about this issue, and their fragile voice needs to be heard and taken up by MPs and higher authorities.

I have a very genuine fear that we are sleepwalking into a future where dreadful inequalities and exclusion will exist for those without technology; and where it will no long be possible to survive.

Many elderly people I know say to me that they have “had enough” of the way things are going, or that they have “given up”, implying that they have no faith in the future. This is deeply sad! What kind of world are we creating?

These are our elders; we should be listening to them and respecting their wisdom, not isolating them in a dehumanised, robotic world.

Why is there such a lack of critical thought and intelligent debate around this issue?


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