Boy born in hotel room checks in for 10th birthday celebration

Birth drama remembered

Friday, 31st March 2023 — By Tom Foot

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The day George was born at the Radisson Edwardian Grafton Hotel – with his mother Michelle


A BOY celebrated his 10th birthday back in the hotel where he was born.

George Eades and his proud parents, who live in Belsize Park, met staff at the Radisson Edwardian Grafton Hotel in Tottenham Court Road who remember his extraordinary “womb service”.

They reminisced about the extraordinary day that saw the expectant mother booked into a four-star hotel after being told by UCH that the baby was not ready to come.

Michelle gave birth shortly after, on just two paracetamol, and surrounded by a team of paramedics in a surreal scenes that catapulted them to the top of the news agenda.

Back row: Peter Wardley, Michelle and Richard Eades, and front row: hotel housekeeper Manuela De Gois and George

The couple and their new born son George soon after the birth drama

Baby George, who was given a middle name of Reg after the hotel’s initials, has grown up to be a wonderful and healthy boy who has his sights set on becoming a hip-hop street dancer.

His father Richard Eades said: “It was really sweet that they invited us back and it was fun for us to look around. “There were people there that remembered us and they said it had never happened before.”

He recalled how the first few days of parenthood had been coupled with stopping the national media from turning George’s birth into an NHS knocking story.

“At the time there was some North Korea missile crisis going on, but we were ahead of that on the news,” he said. “It was absolutely bonkers. We really didn’t want it to turn this into the anti-NHS story, that was the last thing we wanted. On the back of that we phoned the Daily Mail, and got their story taken down. That was a good feeling.”

Sound engineer Richard and PR manager Michelle got married at Cecil Sharp House, Primrose Hill, last year and Mr Eades said he had woven the hotel birth into his wedding speech.

George said this week he had been enjoying his life “sleeping, walking, eating, drinking – and holidays”, adding his mates hadn’t believed the story until he told them to Google it. “It’s cool but weird,” he said, adding that he still had the same teddy from the day he was born. Peter Wardley, who was hotel manager at the time of the birth, said: “It gives us great pleasure to welcome George when he visits. All the team have fond memories of the day George arrived.”



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