Check out the public and legal notices

Thursday, 2nd May

• EVERY week the CNJ is full of letters about elements in the borough where things are either creating a problem or are not up to scratch, for example, roads or buildings. The latter may be in existence or not yet built.

For decades I have been merely an observer as things happen, thinking myself powerless to change things.

All of this has changed in recent months as I have realised that the CNJ publishes, after the arts news section, a large number of “public and legal notices” which deal with road traffic regulations and planning applications – almost 60 last week. Everything that goes on in Camden needs to be publicised in the press.

So there we have it!

And if we wish to ask questions or appeal against something here is the mechanism for us to do so.

Just one more good reason to pick up a copy of the CNJ every Thursday morning.

There is one proviso. You may well need a strong magnifying glass to read the minuscule typeface!


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