Councillors allowances are necessary but these increases are shameful

Thursday, 28th March

• MPs have just voted themselves a 5.5 per cent pay increase. Fools!

They should have held out for the 17.6 per cent increase that Labour councillors, with vocal support from the Tory benches, secured in the council meeting earlier this month.

The argument for awarding councillors an allowance – so that nobody is prevented from serving – is strong and that should rise with inflation.

But how can you possibly justify, I asked for the Liberal Democrats, a rise over triple general and wage inflation and over four times the rise for local government staff?

There was no answer.

Tory cuts mean Camden needs that money.

The above-inflation rise could, for instance, have fully funded the move towards free, small group, music teaching for all primary school children we pushed for; roundly rejected by the Labour administration.


Liberal Democrat, Belsize ward

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