End mortgage interest tax relief for landlords

Thursday, 2nd May


Landlords could contribute to ending the housing crisis

• YOUR report (Gentrification leaves artists ‘priced out of London’, April 11) is one example of the grief and misery caused by the housing crisis.

Another story in your paper suggested that landlord MPs will be opposing the Renters (Reform) Bill out of self-interest.

Mortgage interest tax relief for home owners was abolished in April 1999 but mortgage interest tax relief for landlords was never abolished.

The 2019/2020 tax returns to HM Revenue and Customs show that residential landlords claimed £4.6billion in mortgage interest tax relief.

This amount of money could be used to make an important contribution to ending the housing crisis.

Therefore MPs must insert a clause into the Renters (Reform) Bill and vote to end mortgage interest tax relief for landlords.


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