Hire bike attacker ‘broke man’s eye socket’

Police and Lime give conflicting accounts as to whether user data is available

Saturday, 18th November 2023 — By Dan Carrier


A doorbell camera may have caught the incident on film

POLICE say a hire bike rider who assaulted a pensioner cannot be found because they claim they were unable to garner crucial information from rent-a-ride company Lime.

The victim, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the New Journal he had been walking along a narrow pavement when the cyclist brushed past him in Chetwynd Road, Dartmouth Park, at speed and came close to knocking him over.

Within seconds, he had been punched in the face – an assault which left him need lengthy emergency treatment.

He said: “I’d read in the New Journal of a cyclist riding on the pavement and how the writer of the letter had been punched in the face – but I never expected it to happen to me.

“He got off his bike, came back and punched me full in my left eye, smashing my glasses into the socket, bending the metal frame and shattering the lens into pieces, causing cuts all around the eye and breaking a bone.”

But his hopes that because the assailant was riding one of Lime’s distinctive green and white bikes, he would be was traceable had been dashed.

Police officers claim there was no point in contacting Lime bikes as they were missing information as to when the bike as hired and where from.

Lime, meanwhile, told the New Journal that the police have made no contact and they could help trace the rider if asked.

The injured man said: “Two lovely Samaritans gave me first aid, called the police and an ambulance. One of them witnessed the whole thing and gave the police a full account. A doorbell camera also caught the whole thing with a back view of the assailant.”

But despite witnesses and the attacker being on board a traceable hire bike, no further action is being  taken by police officers.

The man added: “Three weeks later the police said they could not trace the rider or the bike and the case was closed – so this pavement riding psychopath is free to carry on with impunity while my eye socket remains damaged and may require corrective surgery.”

The victim, who lives in Kentish Town, does not drive and rides a bicycle, added: “I celebrate the promotion of cycling.

It is a great way to get around this city but it has to be done responsibly.”

A Lime spokesman said: “We are sorry to hear about this incident involving violent behaviour by a Lime rider. We will use the time and location reported to identify and ban them from our platform. Lime has specific processes in place to support police and other emergency service investigations and encourage officers to get in touch with our dedicated emergency service response team.”

They added they had not been contacted by any officers regarding the incident.

A Met Police spokesman said the case was closed, adding: “Police were called at around 7pm on Tuesday, September 26 to reports of a man assaulted in Chetwynd Road. A man in his 70s was assaulted by an unknown male on a bicycle after accidentally bumping into him.

“Officers conducted various inquiries including door-to-door appeals to identify possible witnesses to the incident and a trawl for CCTV and doorbell footage.

“Unfortunately no further investigative or forensic opportunities were identified and the matter has been closed. Of course should any further information come to light it will be assessed.

“Anyone with information is asked to call 101.”


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