It’s unlikely this sow’s ear will be turned into a silk purse!

Thursday, 28th March

• CONTRARY to the heading on your report on the 100 Avenue Road development, (Ten-year wait… now tower land is sold off, March 21), there was not a 10-year wait but a 10-year, well-organised, expertly evidenced, protest against this potential “Boris-driven” American monstrosity.

Regal London, with its “high end” claims, is unlikely to be able to turn this sows ear into a silk purse.

The residents in Swiss Cottage and surrounding areas were unanimous in their protest to stop this build and first won their case; 4,000 letters were counted and delivered to Camden Council and a record kept of those the council “lost”.

Sadly the state came back at them and Greg Clark, the secretary of state, granted the developers, Essential Living (EL), the right to go ahead with conditions and provisos.

It is those very detailed “on balance” decisions that will need to be examined with the possibility of a fresh inquiry when we have the opportunity to see the plans.

There will be no sleight of hand, no rushing this through, as far as the Swiss Cottage Action Group is concerned.

Linguistic subterfuge cannot cover up the fact that the people here do not want this building blighting our neighbourhood.

It would be wise for Regal London to have a clear picture of the history behind this development so that they do not embarrass themselves further with comments such as, “…will provide community facilities long wanted”. We have a well-functioning community centre at 19 Winchester Road.

I hope that Regal London will respect the majority community, read the history of this much despised build, and not reopen old wars.

Swiss Cottage Action Group

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