Leader told he is ‘acting like a snob' as Tory row over deputy chairman's visit continues

Gio Spinella branded Lee Anderson MP a 'carpet bagger' who he would not invite to Camden

Friday, 5th May 2023 — By Richard Osley

gio spinella

Conservative leader told last week’s all member meeting that he would not have invited Lee Anderson MP to Camden

THE leader of the Camden Conservatives has been told he is acting like a “snob” after openly criticising the national party’s deputy chairman. MP Lee Anderson was a special guest at a private party fundraising event in Primrose Hill last week – but his appearance has threatened to trigger open warfare in the Tory ranks.

Pressed on whether he supported Mr Anderson’s views, Conservative councillor Gio Spinella – the group leader – told a full council meeting: “I would remind people how Lee Anderson does not reflect the kind of conservatism that me and my group usually stand by. Having said that, I would remind people that Lee Anderson was a Labour Party activist and member, a councillor, for a very long time before he carpet-bagged over to the Conservatives. Frankly, I would not have selected him on that basis alone, but – we got it.”

Mr Anderson, who recently took on a new job as a GB News presenter, has courted controversy by saying some food bank users would not need them if they learned to cook and budget. He has said the next election may be fought on “culture wars and trans debates”, and believes the death penalty should be reintroduced in some cases.

Cllr Spinella said in the chamber last Wednesday: “I would say that every political party. unfortunately, has its uncomfortable elements. So I just mention Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott in this room. I have no problem distancing myself from Lee Anderson, and I would sincerely hope that the councillors in this chamber would have similar bravery to distance themselves from the characters in your party.”

Previously, Cllr Spinella – who opposed Brexit – has been open about his dislike for Boris Johnson, the former prime minister of whom Mr Anderson was an enthusiastic supporter.

Lee Anderson enjoys his evening spent meeting local members at a private event in Primrose Hill

The event was organised by the Holborn and St Pancras Conservative Association and organisers have insisted it was an interesting talk and that Mr Anderson would be welcome to return to the constituency.

Joanna Reeves, the association’s chair, wrote a letter to last week’s CNJ telling Labour ward councillor Matt Cooper he could not tell them who they could and could not host.

And this week, its treasurer Richard Molineux went further by criticising Cllr Spinella’s council meeting comments. In the latest letter to reach the CNJ mailbox, he said: “Lee believes in open robust discussion, with no holds barred, about big issues. “Spinella believes in closing down discussion and insulting your opponent… I regretfully regard his intervention as the work of a lightweight, mildly paranoid, snob.”

Cllr Spinella’s comments were sparked by Cllr Cooper saying it was “absolutely unacceptable that” Mr Anderson had been invited to speak.

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