‘Life lesson’: Get a free taste of two-touch football

Thursday, 4th April — By Steve Barnett


2 Touch Rulz Football encourages young footballers to ‘think and act together, as a team’

ORGANISERS behind a free two-touch taster session set to be held later this month are “ready to go” with a game plan that will help sharpen young footballers’ skills on and off the pitch.

The 2 Touch Rulz Football (2TR Football) showcase will be held at George’s pitch in Abbey Road, St John’s Wood, on Monday, April 15, from 4.30pm to 7.30pm.

As the name suggests, players are restricted to just two touches. Explaining the benefits behind the approach, coach Charlie Browne, who lives in Islington, said: “The game allows and encourages players to think in a different way. You can’t think as an individual, you have to work, think and act together, as a team.

“That’s a life lesson we hope the kids will then take into their communities with them – an understanding that you have to work with and support the people who live around you.”

The 2TR youth tournament is open to teams and individuals aged 16 and under, and anyone who takes part will be invited to play in this summer’s London Estates Cash Cup, where winning teams will walk away with £1,000.

• For more information about the event, visit www.2trfootball.com

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