“My-Yen brings a wealth of experience from her previous role.”

Friday, 14th February 2020


1. What made you decide to recruit an apprentice at Plan A?

At Plan A we recognise the importance of both study and experience on the job. As what we do is fairly niche (we work directly for architects taking on the management tasks involved in design projects) finding people with the right experience has often proved challenging. Taking on an apprentice therefore seemed like an excellent opportunity to train someone in what we do whilst also providing them with the chance to study and develop professionally.

2. What are the benefits of having an apprentice in this role (for both your team and the organisation as a whole?

There are many benefits of having an apprentice as part of the team. Some of the key benefits include providing a work opportunity to someone who normally wouldn’t have the chance and giving something back to the community. Having an apprentice scheme and a strong learning ethos is also often something that our client’s look for in teams when tendering for new work, and so it is also positive publicity for our organisation. Lastly, having a member of the team who is studying provides sharing and learning opportunities for the whole team.

3. Has My-Yen surprised you or brought new ideas to the organisation?

My-Yen joined us from another industry and brings a wealth of experience from her previous role. My-Yen has run training sessions in advanced excel for the Plan A team. She has also taken on a role where she is sharing her experience with our client’s team too by providing a training plan for their staff.

4. What skills or behaviours help you to be a good manager to your apprentice?

Providing the space for our apprentices to develop into the role is very important. We understand that our apprentices are learning and the need to introduce them to the role in a structured manner. However, we are also keen to provide them with opportunities to try new things out and meet our clients early in their career.
The open and friendly culture at Plan A is something that is very important to us and all grades within the firm regularly meet, eat together and discuss projects and issues.

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