New signs warn of Gospel Oak crow attacks

Alert comes weeks of swooping on people with long hair

Friday, 16th June 2023 — By Frankie Lister-Fell

crow signs (1)

The messages which have appeared on trees in Mansfield Road

CNJ assistant editor Anna Lamche

SIGNS warning pedestrians about a crow that has been attacking people with long hair to protect its young have been put up in Gospel Oak.

It is not known who put the warnings up in Mansfield Road, but they reads: “Caution crow acting aggressively in this area. Please be alert and avoid if possible.”

The New Journal reported his month how at least 20 women a day were being swooped on – including one of our journalists.

Did the crow try to remove this one?

The story has since been picked by TV and radio stations. Much to the relief of locals, however, the crow seems to be slowing down its activity, most likely because its babies have now fledged.

But don’t forget: experts believe crows can remember human faces for five years. Should it choose to nest here next spring, make sure you’ve got an umbrella to hand.

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