Now I know why the electric vehicle bays are always empty

Thursday, 2nd May

electric car

Petrol’s cheaper

• MY petrol V8 is cheaper for me to run when I visit Camden.

How so? Because of the ridiculous electric vehicle (EV) charging bays which Camden use.

Having an appointment at the Royal Free Hospital, I decided to use my electric car instead of my petrol V8.

I parked in a charging bay. Could I simply present my credit card and start charging? Of course not.

I had to first download the applicable app, which I duly did. I then entered my credit card details and it took a payment of £49. Fair enough so far, as it would refund me for any unused.

Could I now connect and start charging? Nope… didn’t want to know. So I started all over again… at which point it wanted to take another £49 from my account. Why it didn’t know that it had already taken £49 is totally beyond me.

By now I was late for my appointment, so I had no option but to leave the vehicle in the EV bay with a note.

On my return there was, of course, a ticket. Writing to Camden Council and explaining all of this fell on deaf ears.

So, from now on I will be using my petrol V8 as it certainly works out cheaper than getting a parking ticket.

Well done Camden for a totally ridiculous EV charging experience. Now I know the reason why EV bays in Camden are always empty


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