Protesters sound alarm over new Sainsbury's branch

Residents say shop 'will impact already busy route'

Friday, 12th January — By Dan Carrier


Residents are opposed to plans for a 24-hour store

A SUPERMARKET with a licence to trade 24 hours a day and sell alcohol late into the evening is set to open in Gospel Oak.

Retail giant Sainsbury’s is facing a swathe of objections to the office block overhaul in Gordon House Road.

Residents say the store would impact on an already traffic-choked emergency route, and trading times could lead to late-night anti-social behaviour.

Nancy Wolstenholme, who lives in the Heathview, said: “This is a crucial route for ambulances from Cressy Road, and other emergency vehicles. It has the C11 bus route, and the traffic is terrible.

“It is only a matter of time before an ambulance is delayed to the point it can’t get to a medical emergency in time.”

“With single yellow lines, Sundays are particularly bad. Cars parked by visitors to a church on the stretch and others visiting the Heath make gridlock a weekly occurrence.”

She added: “We also fear that people will park up and take the risk to pop in to the shop.”

Ms Wolstenholme said a notification of the bid for an alcohol licence went up in the second week of December, leaving residents with little time before Christmas to respond.

She said: “The licence says they can operate 24 hours a day, which we do not believe was properly scrutinised when the origi-

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