Rat infestation continues in South End Green

Rodents set up home near bus drivers' rest room

Tuesday, 25th July 2023 — By Frankie Lister-Fell

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Rats near the bus drivers’ rest space

RATS “as big as a foot” are still infesting a bus driver depot in Hampstead nearly two months after the issue was first raised.

Around 20 rats have been spotted crawling underneath a bus drivers’ lounge in South End Green where 24 bus drivers take their breaks in between shifts.

Jim Hart, a Unite steward at the 24 bus garage in Battersea, said: “Quite frankly it’s not fit for purpose. The drivers are being left in squalor, which in this day and age is disgusting.

“They’re getting very frustrated about it but they try to provide the service as best they can. They need to be looked after so they can have their break and relax without fear of a rat running by. Transport for London is letting the drivers down big time.

“The land is owned by the council but TfL rent it so I think nobody is taking responsibility for the health and safety up there. Every journey matters, every driver matters and they’re not looking after the drivers because it has taken too long to get this issue sorted.”

Mr Hart went to the restrooms last Friday and saw a few rats outside. He said the temporary respite room, which was built during Covid, is not being cleaned by cleaners and rubbish is building up.

The New Journal reported on the pest problem at the end of June. Camden Council, which owns the land, said it was working with the owner of the affected building – TfL – to resolve the issue.

A council spokesperson said: “Our Pest Control team have responded to the reports of rats in South End Green and are working with the owner of the affected site to resolve the issue as soon as possible. “We have a baiting programme in place to control the issue and our team are visiting the site regularly.”

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