Did traffic rebels remove pavement-widening barriers in Camden Town?

Mystery surrounds who has removed the barriers on Parkway

Friday, 17th July 2020 — By Bronwen Weatherby


The barriers in Parkway have been pushed back to allow traffic through

FENCES which cut off a lane of traffic from one of Camden Town’s busiest roads have been removed – but Transport for London say it wasn’t them.

The pavement-widening measures in Parkway, aimed at creating more room for pedestrians amid the coronavirus crisis, had proved controversial with drivers complaining they had been left stuck in jams and people living nearby objecting on the grounds that traffic had started queuing up in their residential streets,

But yesterday and today (Friday), the barriers and bollards had been pushed back allowing motorists heading into Britannia Junction to drive in both lanes again.

Objectors were hopeful TfL had abandoned the scheme after their complaints, but a spokesperson for the transport authority said “they haven’t made changes to the scheme”, adding: “We are continuing to review it.”

Resident William Miller, pictured earlier in the week, has complained about the scheme 

The spokesperson said they were aware the barricades have been moved. It is unknown when they will re-install them

William Miller, a resident of Gloucester Crescent, said: “Let’s hope they don’t put them back. I fear it might have been some rebellious and angry locals along with businesses who’d had enough. There were no shortage of people willing to do it.”

Despite the extra room created for walkers, cyclists were seen peddling down the pavements instead of the road which they said had become too narrow.

Jacky McDonmmell, who cycles between home and the London Business School, said: “I know I shouldn’t but I had to go on the pavement because the traffic is not moving and it’s so narrow here. I’m finding it awful to be honest.”

Sam Monck, TfL’s Head of Healthy Streets Investment and Delivery, said: “It’s absolutely vital that London’s recovery from coronavirus is sustainable, which is why we’re working closely with councils to rapidly create extra space for walking and cycling.

“We monitor all schemes to ensure they are working as they should and are currently reviewing the scheme along Parkway to see if changes could be made to improve it.”


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