Reopening closed routes here would improve road safety

Thursday, 25th April

• AS the roadworks at the junction of Regis and Leighton roads, Kentish Town, had finished I cycled up from Holmes Road to the Greenwood Centre.

Two vehicles trying to beat the lights very nearly knocked me off. This is now a death-trap for cyclists.

I recalled that in days of yore there were two routes from Grafton Road into Regis Road which would have avoided part of this threat. Camden Council allowed these routes to be closed.

Since then it has opened the splendid Greenwood centre for disabled people. Disabled cyclists like me take their life in their hands to get there via Kentish Town Road.

Reopening the two above routes would in part alleviate this danger and a dedicated traffic lights system at the Regis Road junction would also improve safety.

Must we wait until there is another cyclist fatality before our “safer streets” council will do something?

As a first move councillors could get “safer streets” officers to provide a report for the full council on getting the two Regis Road routes reopened and a plan for a traffic lights system.

Hopefully the disability oversight panel, Camden Cycling Campaign and Camden Disability Action, the organisation located in the Greenwood centre, will provide support. Reopening the routes would cost very little.


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