Sainsbury’s plans new store for Gospel Oak

Licensing decision due to be reached on Thursday

Saturday, 29th July 2023 — By Richard Osley

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Spectrum House in Gordon House Road

SUPERMARKET giant Sainsbury’s is set to learn next week whether it can secure an alcohol licence for a proposed new store in Gospel Oak. T

he chain is preparing a shop for the Spectrum House building in Gordon House Road. Licensing chiefs meeting next Thursday must consider objections from people living nearby who say an 8am to 11pm licence will lead to their peace being wrecked. Residents say they have hardly been given any notice and some people in the area are still unaware that Sainsbury’s is coming.

“The Heath and this road are a magnet for disorderly conduct, particularly in summer months,” said one objection filed at the Town Hall. “Living in a flat facing the road, it’s often pretty disturbing and scary to hear the loud arguments and fights that break out, often into the early morning hours and beyond.”

It added: “It would change the nature of actually a relatively quiet residential street – apart from daytime school rush – that has no other shops on the road. There would be gathering outside, and noise.”

The application form submitted on behalf of Sainsbury’s said: “Signage will be displayed at the exit of the premises requesting customers leaving the premises late at night to do so quietly and with consideration so as not to disturb nearby residents.

“The applicant will at all times maintain adequate levels of staff and security.”

Spectrum House had previously been marketed as “refurbished media style offices”.

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