The young vapers are selfish

Thursday, 28th March


‘At least 260million disposable vapes are thrown away in the United Kingdom alone, every year’

• BOTH your strong Comment (Just as cigarettes were being put out…) comparing youth take-up of cigarettes and vapes and the report (Vaping teens believe there’s no health risk, March 14) ignore the selfishness and hypocrisy of young vapers.

In addition to the huge cost to the National Health Service of the future repercussions of vaping – which all taxpayers will bear – there is the immediate and future harm to the environment and other species.

Inspired by Greta Thunberg, youth consider themselves champions of the environment… until they are in a coffee shop buying disposable cups or supermarket buying the disposable bags or in vape shops.

At least 260million disposable vapes are thrown away in the United Kingdom alone, every year, ending up in landfill, rivers, canals, oceans, etc. The combination of metals and plastics in the vapes make these too difficult and expensive to recycle.

How many young vapers have sprayed paint over works of art to clear the air… while polluting our Earth on the way home?


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